Michael Wolfe

Growing up in Maryland, the outdoors has always been close to my heart. From sailing the Chesapeake Bay to backpacking the Appalachian Trail, nature offered me a way to be active as an awkward and nerdy kid. I moved to Madison WI for my PhD in physics, and I quickly planted my roots in the Midwest climbing community. The quartzite walls of Devil's Lake offered me solace during the testing times of graduate school. One of my greatest joys is to help people access the beautiful resources that Devil's Lake offers us.

When I'm not climbing, I'm found in my lab working on my PhD. After dark, I'm around Madison gigging with my bands or music projects. I'm "that guy" who travels in his minivan to climb and brings his guitar wherever he goes.


Rock Climbing
AMGA Single Pitch Instructor
Wilderness First Responder


Nick Wilkes


Nicholas Block