Niche Articles Focused on Rock Climbing & Devil's Lake State ParkDestination Outdoors w/ Lauren Magiera on WGN Chicago
Lauren Magiera and Steve Scheurer from WGN Chicago came up to Devil’s Lake in June 2019 to film a pilot for Lauren’s new show, Destination Outdoors.
The Sandbag Tradition at Devil's Lake
A few months ago, I felt like I was at the top of my climbing game. I on-sighted my first 5.12 trad lead, and had steadily been ticking off long difficult climbs in Washington, Oregon, and Utah. Reaching this level of fitness took years of practice and required overcoming some long-standing mental barriers.
Bedroom Rocks Climbing, 10.15.2012
Yesterday was a classic example of how October makes for PERFECT climbing conditions at Devils Lake. The weather forecast called for a high of 55, so I bundled up and prepared for a chilly day. But with sunny skies and no wind, it was downright balmy out there, and we were climbing in t-shirts most of the day.