
Niche Articles Focused on Rock Climbing & Devil's Lake State Park
History, Introductory, rock climbing, Vocabulary Nicholas Wilkes History, Introductory, rock climbing, Vocabulary Nicholas Wilkes

Understanding Rock Climbing Difficulty Ratings & the Yosemite Decimal System (YDS)

When climbers discuss climbing roped climbing routes, the difficulty rating of the climb is often considered essential information. The difficulty rating gives a climber an indication of what moves, strength and/or skill the route might involve.

In North America, vertical travel is generally described using the Yosemite Decimal System (YDS). The YDS gives any describes any given hiking, scrambling, or climbing route with a Class. For Class 5 and Class 6 travel, it also includes a Rating.

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What to Expect on a Guided Rock Climbing Day

A first climbing outing is likely to generate all sorts of feelings, like excitement, anxiety, curiosity and uncertainty. For those who like to know what to expect, a little advanced preparation can be helpful. Because your trip is custom tailored to you and your group, it’s impossible to predict every detail. However, many aspects are largely consistent from trip to trip, so the rough timeline below provides a good idea of what’s likely to happen and how you can prepare for success.

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